i am a mother, wife, friend, sister, adventure seeking doesn't want to miss a thing, wanna be world traveler
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
my girl...
this girl and i have had our BATTLES and i am sure there are more to come...
I was having mother guilt because she called after school and said she wasn't feeling good and I know she needed/wanted me but i have class after work on monday. I had myself all psyched up to leave class after my quiz...
Then she shows up, not feeling well but drives to Marquette to t-bell to get her Baja blast, thinks of me and gets me a burrito and comes to visit me at work. She leaves her cell phone in the car ON PURPOSE for no distractions!
I like when we are friends and i love you little one, thanks again, it meant so much to me
Sunday, October 28, 2012
sheena's room
Now that the "main" part of the basement is clean and purged i can start in sheena's (aka hoarder's) room
i put the bed on risers so now i have to sew a custom dust ruffle
saturday dinner
I cooked the ham i won at the meat raffle, makes me smile every time i say meat raffle. Red potatoes, carrots, green beans and ranch suddenly salad (ty's favorite)
finally !
i have been looking for a cart like this for over a year. I have not been to vinnie's for awhile because i have been purging my house. I had to run to the antique shop saturday and i thought i would just run into vinnie's, too.
Fate... and $3.00
i sanded it a little and then spray painted it "celery"
Thursday, October 25, 2012
chicken dumpling soup
derick made a huge stock pot of chicken dumpling soup!
sweet & salty halloween bark
it is soooooooooooooooooo good!
it is soooooooooooooooooo good!
Monday, October 22, 2012
national honor society
so my baby got inducted into the National Honor Society, this is the 2nd one in our household (Sheena was first). We are very proud of her! She has worked hard to get good grades and now it's paying off. i am thankful that my auntie kathy came, she is her godmother after all :)
another spoon mirror
i like the color of this mirror and she painted it with a brush
Sunday, October 21, 2012
i am obsessed with the color teal
I made this today and i got the idea from...
i don't think it will hang here but there just happened to be a nail...i think i love it !
my sunday morning in photos...
aubri & lola...
ranch oyster crackers...belgian waffles, aubri's order...
scrambled eggs, tyler's order...
planted some bulbs at the cemetery...
cool trees by beef-a-roo...
my sunday evening in photos...
thanks pat for finding this scrabble game for me!
:/ ...salad with supper...
ice cream with chocolate and crushed nuts (from my gram's nut meat grinder)
1 of 2 chickens i cooked today, that i won at the meat raffle...
tyler got a haircut...
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Tyler's room/ upstairs hallway
when it was freshly painted in 2010
rearranged and CLEANED today, carpets shampooed too!
much better, ty needs to finish plugging everything inupstairs hallway
AND i put 2 chairs out on the curb with a FREE sign and someone took them. I can't wait for spring because we are having a rummage sale. God this house is busting at the seams
Friday, October 19, 2012
oh so true
I am not a regular church attendee but i feel like this was written for ME!

I have a hard time sitting in a church with hypocrites who call themselves christian...
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Steven made a beautiful roast sandwich and left it on the counter next to the stove. He went to the bathroom and when he came back it was an open face sandwich with some meat missing...she can't look at me because she is filled with shame (only because she was caught)
basement reveal!
my computer nook before my laptop (this was the only picture i could find of this area)...
my "faux" tile paint job on the basement floor (done in about 2005)
work in progress...
of course i painted the floor with a mixture of paint, 1 of them being the brown on the wall. When i removed the cabinet from the wall i noticed i painted AROUND the cabinet, this angle was my solution...
ahhhhh, looking good (yes sheena i stole the futon from your room until i find another something for the hallway)...
i LOVE how this corner turned out! except for the big gray box on the wall, oh well i will find a way to hide that, now the fun part decorating this area.
This past week i have brought 4 boxes into work to get rid of stuff and what wasn't taken went to vinnie's yesterday. I have another box to go tomorrow and more stuff in my car to be donated. I still have lots of purging to go but this is a great start (& i still have to get the junk i put in sheena's room out of there!)
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