Tuesday, January 22, 2013

cold day, 1-22-13

so today was a cold day - 31 wind chill and NMU was closed today :) 3 college students & 1 NMU employee were EXTREMELY happy about this. NHS was cancelled last night so Aubri was already in the clear.

Here is what i got accomplished:

  • slept til 10:30 am (i had been at the ER with aubri until 12:15 last night so i was praying for a cold day)
  • went to the grocery store, bought fruit for juicing and chicken for Tyler for lunch
  • stopped and filled up with gas
  • ran to Meyers to check on some samples for tyler
  • tyler juiced (apple, orange, lemon & broccoli) & aubri juiced (2 oranges, 1 lemon & 1 inch ginger)
  • ran to my neighbors to bring him wood to cut for the loom i am making
  • did some mending
  • made some blonde roast coffee (Starbuck beans) and it is GOOD
  • laundry
  • started t-shirt quilt, laid out all the squares, sewed 2 rows
  • subway for dinner
  • drank a diet pepsi
  • lysine & abreva because i am getting an effing cold sore
  • made Sheena & Tyler take Echinachea 
  • steven came home feeling like he was going to throw up
  • watch Prison Break with Tyler
  • even though aubri has an upper resp. infection she worked on cleaning her bedroom. She did an AMAZING job and her room is perfect!

1 comment:

  1. I did a bunch of homework and not much else. Today I'm going to be way more productive--starting at 6:30 instead of 8am.
