Monday, June 24, 2013

last weekend

i had a REAL good weekend last weekend...

Friday: I helped a friend who really needed my help

Saturday: Slept in until 12:14! Got a call from a friend to be treated at Midtown for lunch AND dessert! I felt like good deeds do get rewarded ! i got an invite for a BBQ & drinks and saw some new and old friends. Picked up some pallets for new projects i am working on FOR FREE!

Sunday: Made a salad to bring to a suprise 50th wedding anniversary for my neighbors, that i really do LOVE! worked on my rug, it's almost done, then i just have to finish Aubri's (sheena's is done).

All weekend i felt like i was just going with the flow, not rushed to be anywhere, not tired and the weekend felt like it didn't fly by. i don't know why people dred sundays because they know they have to work monday? it's a day off people, don't stress over

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