Friday, May 16, 2014

tattoo ideas

this one is in the lead: dum vivimus vivamus = (latin) while we live, let us live
some super cool fonts at this website

simplify = (swedish ) Förenkla



just breathe = (norweigan) bare puste

all you need is love

be kind

love more = what language ?

small outline of heart on foot or back of neck

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cold water challenge

congratulations Sheena, my gift to you

My oldest just graduated from NMU this past weekend, needless to say i am very proud of her. She changed her major a few times and now has the diploma as a reward for all her hard work, magna cum laude!

this is my gift to you...

fall 2010 - $3624
winter 2011 - $3624
summer 2011 - $1208
fall 2011 - $3888
winter 2012 - $3888
fall 2012 - $4032
winter 2013 - $4704
fall 2013 - $4893
winter 2014 - $4893

grand total of $34,754, how much of that did she have to pay? ZERO

free tuition is one of the amazing benefits i have