Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29th, a leap day SNOW day

since i have been WAAAIITTTIIINNNGGG for a snow day i was not going to waste it, here's what i did:
  • woke up, realized it was a snow day, damn near screamed! went back to bed, couldn't sleep, got up, made bed
  • got some coffee, worked on cross stitch
  • started painting in kitchen
  • took a break, went outside did some shoveling
  • ate lunch, diet pepsi
  • brushed the dogs teeth
  • folded some laundry
  • fixed the futon (when i say fixed i mean zip ties) & it's now in Sheena's room
  • all the above done before noon
  • finished quilt
  • did all mending
  • took loft apart that we did not use, hopefully Stev can use the wood to build stairs
  • cleaned in basement, put seasonal decorations away
  • touched up paint in aubri's room & spackled
  • shoveled A TON with sheena
  • made fondue
  • my husband comes home from work with his hand behind his back, he brought me home a shamrock shake
  • finally sat down at 5:59
  • finished cleaning in basement
  • finished sanding & touch up paint in Aubri's room
  • finished cross stitch (1 down, 1 to go)
  • watched 1 recorded NCIS, 2nd diet pepsi
  • 8:40 pm, watching Criminal Minds and then to bed
AMAZING DAY OFF! thanks mother nature

random pics from snow day

martha & a gummy easter candy

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

in anticipation of a snow day

because i have a feeling (yeah i was singing as i typed that) that we will have a snow day tomorrow i am doing a few things from my mental to-do-list tonight:

  • steam cleaned the carpet in Aubri's bedroom
  • folded some laundry
  • went to bed early

Monday, February 27, 2012

tyler & lola

this picture inspired from one sheena tagged me in on facebook...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

weekend sewing

8 pairs of pantaloons for the upcoming play Aubri is in.. Oklahoma!
2nd side to quilt i am making
2 pillowcases made for my cousin from shirts that belonged to his mother

Thursday, February 23, 2012

TINA and cindi build a loft...

TINA and cindi build a loft...(continued)

blood was drawn but hey it's level

Aubri LOVES it...thanks friend, i could have NEVER done this by myself

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

10 years

first date
....all 6 of us packed in the old chevy lumina and off to the movie :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

new kitchen curtains

I'm kind of obsessed with nesting dolls...


i now have a table for dishes, ok, i am my mother and i have a dish problem...
i've had the ingredients since december to make these, finally did tonight...
i have a couple things going on here, steam cleaning carpets, painting, scrapbooking...
quilt i need to start, martha wants to help i guess....

clothesline quilts

well it's official...i have 2 quilts hanging in a store front window, with "contact me for a quote". we'll see how it goes

18 braids = afro